Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Spinach Pasta

Ashley and I made a great dish with the spinach pasta that we picked up at the farmers market.  We roasted some vegetables with tofu and I made a cheese sauce with cashew cream and nutritional yeast.  It was kind of somewhere between a mac and cheese and a pasta salad.  It came out fantastic.

The noodles were so flavorful and the dish as a whole was great.  We made enough for each of us to take some to work the following day.  I also had some left over hummus from Ashley's birthday celebration, and took it to work in a pita. 


  1. I love that curlicue spinach pasta from the YDFM! It has such great texture. Great looking pasta--yum!

  2. The pasta looks so good and so does that sandwich! I wish I could reach in and eat both of them!

  3. Aren't cashews amazing? They're like the magician of nuts. In addition to snacking and adding crunch in their whole form, they can be silky smooth in savory sauces, gravies, smoothies. Your dinner looks great!
