Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mainely Vacation: Day Ten - Home for Ashley's Birthday!

Day Ten was back in Atlanta.  Sadly, I missed Ashley's birthday due to the wedding.  There was little avoiding it and I tried to make the best of it on the day I returned.  I felt awful.

We stopped and got a cake and headed back to my house.  I tossed mt bags down, had a quick hummus pita lunch, and we went out to a movie.  It was fun, I really should go to more movies.

We stopped at the farmers market to get some fresh vegetables.  We also found some fresh made spinach pasta that was vegan so we picked it up.  We were not going to use it today but we figured it would be a good thing to have in the future.

It was then back to the house to make dinner.  Ashley wanted carne asada.  We started in and diligently worked together and had a fantastic dinner.

I hope she had a great birthday and I hope that I will be around next year for the actual day.


  1. That's too bad that you missed her birthday, but it sounds like you really made up for it! I hope it was a great one!
