Friday, September 9, 2011

Forcing the issue

I have to admit, I am forcing the issue of autumn here.  It is still in the upper 80's and humid in Atlanta but I am over it.  I want the autumn to come.  Not only am I planning another foliage trip but I am eating the typical autumn foods.

Locally, I found a super sale!  I got three large sweet potatoes for only one dollar.  Thrilled, I snapped them up thinking it was another autumn food I have been craving.  In my opinion, autumn is the best time of the year for foods.  Heavy, roasted, laced with garlic and herbs.  So good.

I took these discounted sweet potatoes and cubed them up like home fries.  I wanted it simple, after all, it was still too hot to labor long in the kitchen.  I doused them with some salt and cinnamon and tossed them in the oven.  They were fantastic.  I ate them for a couple of days and they made perfect work food.  Good find.

For my bedtime snack it was some store acquired pie topped with some store acquired almond ice cream.  Simple, yet yummy.


  1. I'm surprised it's so warm! I was down there last week and it was in the low 70s. Up here (Nashville) it's in the high 50s/low60s for some reason. We've had a 40 degree temperature drop. I hope some cool weather comes your way!

  2. I'm with you on autumn--love all the cold weather foods!

  3. Store acquired works too! I totally can't blame you for pushing autumn. How were the sweet potatoes? I ate some this summer and they were gross and spongy/fibrous inside. I can't wait for some real hearty roots.

  4. I'm with you; autumn is the best time of year for food..and eating!!! I'm torn right now, we're having a late summer here and while I'm looking forward to fall...I'm still kind of hooked on summer. After this weekend, the warm weather is supposed to go away, then I think I'll be ready for autumn full on.

    Those sweet potatoes look delectable, adding cinnamon is inspired. And that pie....looks like pie perfection.

  5. It's still hot here too, we don't really get Autumn or Spring, just summer and winter.
    Pie and ice-cream = WIN!
