Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Brussel Sprouts!

The grocery stores in Atlanta seems to be selling a lot of my favorite autumn vegetables.  Brussel Sprouts are at the top of that list.  Ashley and I spotted them on sale and grabbed a bag.

We first opted to just make a simple roast.  I used my Roasted Brussel Sprout recipe that I have had for years.  It is a simple idea but still one of my favorites.

A few days later, I made the obligatory "cook all the veggies before they go bad" dish.  I tossed the remaining brussel sprouts, garlic, potatoes, zucchini, summer squash, and even a block of tofu.


  1. mixed roasted veggies and tofu is one of my favorite meals ever!

  2. Wow! Brussel Sprouts season already? Now it is really autumn!

  3. Brussels are one of my favorite parts of fall/winter! Love a simple roast.

  4. I love brussel's sprouts; they are one of my all time favorite veggies. They're not in season here yet. Those roasted sprouts look great!
