Friday, July 15, 2011

Strawberry Ice Cream

I had a single day off before what will be one of the busiest weekends at the jobby job.  In fact, this may be one of the busiest weekends I have ever had at the jobby job.

I opted to spend the day off with Ashley and had a tentative plan to relax at the house and enjoy the A/C on this hot day.  It turned into a day of business from start to finish.  It actually felt good to get a lot done.

Ashley recently got into the running for acceptance for a competitive program at her school.  We used that as an excuse to celebrate and get some great vegan cake!  I also made some strawberry ice cream to go with the cake.  If you have an ice cream maker, this is incredibly easy.

Strawberry Ice Cream

1 pound of strawberries
16 oz of coconut milk (high fat)
1 cup of sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla

Combine all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth.  Add the mixture to your ice cream maker and follow ice cream maker instructions.

Use the most high fat content coconut milk you can find.  This will give the ice cream a deeper, richer flavor.

There is not much better way to celebrate than with cake an ice cream!  We also got several other things done, painting, more cooking, etc.


  1. Ashley may think about writing a cook book...she's good.

  2. Yummy! The cake looks exactly the same like the strawberry cake that I get at Cafe Sunflower :-)

  3. ah, the strawberry shortcake by Southern Sweets (and re-sold by Cafe Sunflower). So amazing......
