Monday, July 11, 2011

It is too hot.

The heat has been unpleasant recently.  Not even a large portion of watermelon or the nearly 2 gallons of water a day that I drink seems to be able to keep me cool and hydrated.  I really dislike the Atlanta summers, it is difficult to find the motivation to cook.

Fortunately for my belly, I push through the heat and cook.  Daily.  Not always healthy items but I always seem to eat.  I have also been staying true to bringing food with me to work.  In fact, recently I made a nice stir-fry that I was able to tote along with me to work as leftovers!  Of course, I used my own stir-fry sauce recipe.


  1. It is my turn now to envy your heat :-)

  2. I understand, although I'm sure it's hotter in your neck of the woods -- I'm not a huge fan of deep summer heat, either. (It makes it so hard to get motivated to do anything!)

  3. Knowing how bad it is farther south, I gotta admit--I do NOT miss Atlanta right now. :) Your stir-fry looks rad though!

  4. Sorry about your humid heat. We had a bout of 100 degree weather but that ended a week ago so I've been able to use the oven again.
    Your stir-fry looks great though.
