Thursday, April 28, 2011

Roasted Red Pepper Soup

I am stuffed.  Today has been a good day and I have recipes to share!  The morning I just did some relaxing and handled some Real Estate business.  That afternoon I headed out to do some errands.  One of my errands was finding some rhubarb.  Success!  I will share some of the rhubarb with the blogworld soon.

For now, I wanted to share some soup I made.  I have never had a roasted red pepper soup and it has been on my mind for a few weeks.  With the opportunity for a dinner party for three, it seemed a great reason to try it out.

Roasted Red Pepper Soup

1 potato (peeled and cubed)
3 large red peppers
4 cloves of garlic (chopped)
5 sprigs of fresh thyme
15 oz of high fat coconut milk
1  1/2 cups of water
1 cup of vegetable broth
1 cup of onion (chopped)
1 tablespoon of dried chipotle peppers
1 tablespoon of olive oil
2 teaspoons of black pepper
2 teaspoons of salt

Pre-heat the oven to a high broil.

In a pot, bring the water to a boil and add the potato.  Allow to boil for about 20 minutes until potato is tender.  Strain and set aside.

Place the red peppers, on a baking sheet and roast for about 8 minutes.  The red pepper skin should be getting black.  Flip the peppers and broil for another 8 minutes.  Repeat this process 3 or 4 times until about 1/3 of the pepper has blackening skin.  Remove from the oven and quickly place in a plastic bag for about 15 minutes.  This will steam the peppers and loosen the skin.

Once the peppers have steamed, slice in half and remove the skin.  It should just peel off.  Remove all the seeds and chop the peppers into about 1 inch chunks.

In soup pot, add bring the oil to a low heat.  Add the garlic, onion, and red pepper and allow to fry until the onions are translucent. 

In a blender, add the potato, coconut milk, chipotle peppers, vegetable broth, and salt.  Puree until smooth.  Add the red peppers, garlic, and onions and puree for about 15 seconds.  There should not be whole pieces of red peppers but there would be some texture remaining.  It does not need to be smooth.

Return the mixture to the soup pot that the garlic, onions, and red peppers were fried in.  Heat on low adding the whole sprigs of thyme and the black pepper.  Allow to heat for about 15 minute or until appropriate temperature.  Then remove the thyme and serve.  Another sprig of thyme and some black pepper make a nice garnish.

After the three of us had dinner, it was still light out and the weather was so nice we headed to the park!  There were all sorts of dogs at the park and I got to play with them a bit.  Never to old to play at the park.


  1. thats such a cool pic of the sun hitting that tree! and the soup is such a beautiful color.

  2. Love the soup...and you look great. It sounds like you all had great fun. Nice!

  3. Mmmm soup - looks fab and I LOVE the colour.
