Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The good and the bad.

It is only Wed and it has already been a strange week.  It began with a lot of Real Estate business that has been great.  I have been showing houses everyday that I have not been at work!  It feels like I am working hard and making good progress.

On the other hand, the jobby job has been fairly stressful with a load of changes that we are dealing with.  Also, today, I managed to lock myself out of my own garage.  It was quite a classic move and cost me about $100 and wasted several hours.

There has been little time for food but I have been doing my best.  I spent some time going to 8 different grocery stores looking for rhubarb.  Nothing.  None of them had any.  I was so annoyed that I came home and out of my anger, made a chocolate cake with vegan cream cheese icing!  Take that local grocers!  Next time, stock my rhubarb!