Thursday, March 10, 2011

Recipe Update: Portobello Chowder

I have been completely neglectful of my blog and my kitchen.  My time has been filled with heavy thoughts and hard work.  I feel like some upcoming events will get me back on track though.

My mum is coming for a few days next week.  She has not seen my house yet and it means a lot to me that she will be here.  She even went through my recipes and picked out a few she would like to try when she is here.  That makes me feel good, it is nice to have someone excited about my cooking.

Tonight was a nice evening with a friend.  We both like mushrooms but due to circumstances, rarely eat them as often as we would like.  We took advantage of our time together and I updated my portobello chowder recipe while we watched Secrets of Nimh.

Portobello Chowder

3 large portobello mushroom caps (cubed)
2 cloves of garlic
15 oz of high fat coconut milk
1  1/2 cup of vegetable broth
2 tablespoon of onion (chopped)
1 tablespoon of ground black pepper
3/4 tablespoon of salt
2 teaspoons of turmeric

In pot, heat the oil on med heat. Add the onions and garlic and let simmer for about 5-8 minutes, until the onions are not quite tender. Meanwhile, cut the mushrooms lengthwise twice, resulting in chunks on the cap about a 1/4 on an inch in size. Add the mushrooms to the oil and let simmer for about 10 minutes, until the mushrooms are tender and have released some liquid. Add half of the pepper and stir well. Add the coconut milk and vegetable broth.  Add the remaining pepper, turmeric, and the salt and bring to a simmer for 3-5 minutes.

This is a very simple recipe that I learned from my sister Nomi.  I remember being in her rented house in Portland Maine when I was about 17 or so and we whipped this up for a lunch time meal before heading out for my first vegan sushi experience. Those were some good memories.  It amazes me to think about how many people inspired so many of my dishes.


  1. I love portobello mushrooms! This looks crazy good!

  2. It sure sounds delicious...I love Portabellos and this dish looks fabulous, it just needs some good crusty bread to finish it off....YUM!

  3. I posted something with coconut cream too :-). Love the soup!

    And have un with your mum!

  4. Mmm, looks like a unique combo. Mushrooms and coconut.. why not? Sorry life has been rough lately, but Spring and better times are just around the corner!

  5. Your chowder looks delicious. I love how simple the recipe is too. Pure genius!

  6. Awww the Secret of Nihm! Love it! Love the chowder too!

  7. How many servings does this make? Cups?
