Saturday, March 5, 2011

A forced hand is not often creative

I have been emotionally busy recently.  I have been very uninspired in the kitchen because of it.  I hope for some change soon.  I forced out some food today.  It came out very good and is an old classic of mine.  Spanish rice.

I changed it a bit.  When I went to get out the jalapeno peppers, they had rotted due to lack of culinary inspiration.  I guess it was my karmic punishment for the neglect in my favorite room in the house.  As a substitute for the jalapeno, I used chipolte peppers and it was amazing.  I may re-work the recipe a bit to include the great smokey pepper.  We shall see.

This will be another long weekend at the jobby job.  The Spanish rice will help me get through the night.  I am hoping to get outside some this week if it is nice.  I think it might help my recently sour demeanor.

Since my birthday, I had a few other cards trickle in which has made me feel very nice.  I also got a nice phone call from my dad, my mum, and my brother.  It was a nice day, albeit slightly lonely.


  1. We need you to post the recipes to these great dishes....nice job.

  2. Oh that looks amazing! You can't go wrong with chipotle.

    Hang in there.. I think the end of winter is tough and people all around are stressed ..

  3. Looks good to me! I actually plan on making some spanish rice on tuesday for a potluck at work :)

  4. Happy Birthday!!!!

    Now I'm off to make some Spanish rice for the week so I don't starve at the new jobby job...

  5. You'll feel better once the weather perks up... we all will. But in the meantime it looks like you've been cooking up the occasional masterpiece...
