Monday, March 21, 2011

Mum's Visit Part 4, the departure

My mum left on Thursday.  She headed to Florida for the remainder of her vacation.  The few days she was here flew by and the house felt very empty without her here.

Thursday morning we got up and went to some weird petting zoo type farm place.  I have been there before and it is very strange.  There are all kinda of animals that have been injured in the wild and are now living there.  We had a good time and spend several hours there.  We had some long in-depth conversations and then headed home for some lunch.

The last meal my mum wanted me to make was Wild Rice with Portobello Mushrooms and Leeks.  It came out well and she seemed to enjoy it.  I think that some of my flavors might be to heavy handed for her taste so I tried to lighten the fare up slightly.  She had a nice pineapple peach smoothie to go with our late lunch and a nice salad with Mustard Dill Dressing.


Soon after lunch, my mum packed up and headed out.  She brought a box of old memories that I will go through in the next few days.  Overall, it was a nice visit and I was happy she was able to see my house.  I hope that more of my family come to visit soon.


  1. She seems like a really nice lady.

  2. Glad to see you and Mum had such a wonderful time. Hope she also enjoys Florida. I also wanted to let you know that I love your funky glasses, they are soooo cool!
