Wednesday, March 23, 2011


It is officially spring here in Atlanta.  I know this because I am in shorts today and the Georgia pollen is killing my throat and sinuses.  Either way, it is a good thing.  If I can get the time today, I will even try to mow the lawn, which sounds like a chore but I actually enjoy it.

With my mum gone, I mainly ate leftovers over the weekend.  I was able to use the remaining seitan for a couple of fajita wraps to take with me to the jobby job.  That was a nice couple of meals to have, otherwise I have been drowning in leftovers and one player foods.  I hope to find the time and motivation to get some more cooking in this week.


  1. The pollen is killing me, too. I love the warm weather, the sunny skies, but the pollen ruins all my excitement from spring :-(

  2. im really happy spring is here also, isnt it great! well except for the sore throat and sinus stuff...ive tried stinging nettle for llergies, i think it works.i have a lot of catching up to do on your blog!!
