Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad!

Saturday, was a great morning.  Ashley came over, we tried to find a few lawn sales, she cut my hair, and we had a nice lunch before she had to go home and study.

She wanted to have some sort of alfredo like pasta but she feel asleep on the couch while I was cooking and I changed it up a bit.  We ended up having a nice garlic sauce pasta with some veggies and spicy soy chicken.  It came out good and was a nice lunch to complete a nice mid-morning to mid-afternoon.

I wish there was more to report, but honestly, there is not.  I have been laying low and spending most of my time home alone which is not conducive to cooking for me.  I struggle to motivate myself to cook, when I am the only one to cook for.

Anyone want to come over for a meal?

On a side note, today is my dad's birthday.  Happy Birthday Dad!  I hope he has a great day today.


  1. Cool photo! Your Dad looks badass. And that pasta looks delicious!

  2. What a great pic of your dad! Happy birthday to hime.

    The pasta looks good, I think that broccoli and garlic go very well with pasta :-)


  3. I eat a lot of salads, sandwiches, quesadillas, and the like when I'm cooking for just myself. Not terribly exciting, but it gets the job done!

  4. nice photo of your dad...Happy Birthday Dad.

    And I love that chicken dish...actually I think I'll make some pasta tomorrow with some seitan chicken.

  5. Happy birthday to your dad! Your pasta sounds really yummy. We had something similar this weekend, but without the soy chicken.

  6. Dang it! I am always trying to get someone to cook for me, and my room mate is starting to get tired of being my personal chef (I love you Nadia). I'm sad I live so far. That pasta looks delish!

  7. It's a little bit to far away, but I wouldn't mind coming over for diner :-)
