Friday, February 18, 2011

Busy lunch

This has been a tough week.  I have many things going on and it is difficult to keep them straight.  I am diligently making tough choices and hope it works out for everyone involved.  It has left me little opportunity to get any cooking done.

With a few days off, I got some things accomplished outside of the kitchen, taxes, new work schedule, etc.  Now it is Friday, the beginning of my work week.  I made some nice bar-b-que tempeh and potato salad for lunch, with a nice strawberry & banana coconut ice cream shake.  I made enough potato salad to bring to work tonight as well.  It has now been nearly 6 months nice I have purchased anything at the store on a lunch break.  It has saved me a tremendous amount of money.


  1. Yummy stuff! That tempeh looks so good, I wish I could take a bite through the monitor, and no joke.

  2. I love, love LOVE!!!!...that bbq temphes.

  3. good for you for not buying lunch out! Not only is it good for wallet, it's good for your health too.

  4. Rock on for 6 months of not buying lunch out! That's awesome (and really such a money saver, it's crazy how little people realize that). Happy weekend!

  5. good for you! thats a long time. (not buying any food while you are at work)
    lately when we have been in town ive been tying to avoid getting fast food, it adds up!
