Wednesday, January 19, 2011

So much food...not one new recipe.

I am going through a few schedule adjustments at the jobby job.  In the long run it will be good and should make me less exhausted by the weekend.  Which will hopefully give me more time and motivation for Real Estate and cooking.

Over the last week or so I have been dabbling in a few dishes that are staples in my house.  Nothing new per se just some older classics.


salsa pizza

I was able to get some sprouts growing in my new sprouter.  It is nice to have fresh sprouts in the house.  It really tops a sandwich off well.  I added them to a leftover chic pea burger that I had made earlier in the week and it was still, awesome!

Although the image got overlooked for posting, during my week of Real Estate class, Ashley made me a great meal.  Lasagna.  I have never made it in my life.  In fact, as a kid, I did not like it and it was rarely made.  I was never a big cheese person.  However, due to the greatness of Ashley's lasagna, I will be trying my hand at it.  It was pretty damn good and there were even some leftovers for me to take to my class the following day.


  1. One day I'm coming over for dinner!

  2. can I pop in for a day's worth of meals..LOL...LOL...because everything looks so amazing!

  3. I used to love lasagna, but I haven't tried to make one since I became a vegan. I think you may need to steal Ashley's recipe and share it with us. :o)

    Those pancakes, that pizza...heck...everything looks awesome!

  4. I am traveling now, so I don't have time for cooking... (and sorry I don't have much internet connections, so it may be hard to visit you and other blogs), and you know what? I would love to have the chance to do old recipes... sometimes at home I am too busy trying new things, and now I wish I had some of my comfort food..

    I'll try to cook tonight... :-)

  5. Sprouts are awesome - I love 'em. All your food looks soooo tasty - I've not been cooking up anything new lately either, all old favourites going down in this household too.
