Thursday, January 20, 2011

Again with the enchiladas?

I consistently try to avoid wasting things, particularly food items.  A few weeks ago, I made enchiladas for the first time in a long time.  When I lived with Jamie, this was something we had relatively often and was something that she often made for us.  Since then, I have not made them often.

While at the store, I picked up some enchilada sauce as a just in case.  I used it that night however, I only used 2/3 of the sauce.  In a desire not to waste, I was forced to make more and get another helping on sauce.  That left another 2/3 of the 2nd jar of sauce left.  It was a vicious cycle that finally ended last night.  Enchilada night! (number 3)

To go with the entree, I made some really nice lettuce wraps.  I used some soy chicken and some fresh fruits and veggies.  They came out very good and today, I am happy to have some leftovers.


  1. Hey, can't go wrong with enchiladas! That lettuce wrap looks fantastic.

  2. I want to come to your house for dinner!

  3. If I could make enchiladas like that I would eat them 40 nights in a row and not compalain:)

  4. I hate to have left over jars. That happens a lot with me when I make spaghetti...too much sauce in the jars. I then need to find ways to use it up fast.

    I love your enchiladas though.

  5. With enchiladas like these, I don't think you can really make them too often... I was just thinking of whipping up a batch myself! Hope they come out as enticing.

  6. Enchiladas....YUM! Yours looks so good!!! Great looking lettuce wrap too!
