Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Roasted Red Stuff

I typically have a very good memory when cooking.  I can recall all the ingredients and the amounts without writing things down.  Today, after an early meeting, I picked up several veggies at the farmers market and went home.  While on the phone, I tossed some things in a baking dish with some broth and baked it for awhile.

I did not expect it to turn out all that well so I did not pay much attention to what I was doing.  About an hour later, I pulled it from the oven and the beets had made the entire dish completely pink.  I scooped some onto a plate and sat down.  Seconds later, I was eating another plate full.  While writing this, I am on my third.  This was amazingly good.  Perfect autumn dish.

Apparently, I will need to make it again and be a bit more conscious with what I put in it.  That way I can share.  Either way, this made my afternoon and I have enough to take some to work for a couple days.


  1. Haha...roasted red stuff, that's a great sounding dish. It looks really festive.

  2. This does look like the perfect cold weather dish! Cute name.

  3. That looks so good. Is that fresh oregano on top? I've been loving beet/fresh oregano and ginger lately.. soooo good!
