Monday, November 15, 2010

Spicy Cranberry Sauce

As an additon to the purple potatoes and kale I went the easy way out and made some quick soy chickens.  I would much rather make my own but sometimes I just do not have the time.  I was going to simply add some Bar B Que sauce to them but Ashley asked me to make a sauce.  I had some leftover cranberry sauce from a batch I made the other night so I tried to put something together.

It was surprisingly good.  The cranberry sauce added a nice fruity and sweet flavor to the soy chickens and would be just as good with some tofu and even thinly sliced tempeh.  The addition of some heat was just what the sauce needed to stand out.  It would also make a great sauce for a holiday dish!

Spicy Cranberry Sauce

2 tablespoons of cranberry sauce
1 tablespoon of onions (chopped)
1/2 tablespoon of water
2 teaspoon of oil
2 teaspoon of red wine vinegar
2 teaspoon of hot sauce
1 teaspoon of salt

In a sauce pan, bring the oil to low temperature and add the onions.  Once the onion is soft but not browning, add the water, cranberry sauce, vinegar, and hot sauce and stir well.  The cranberry sauce, as it heats,will loosen up.  Allow to cook for 3-5 minutes and add the salt and stir.  Allow to cook for another 5 minute but do not let simmer.  Stir frequently.


  1. I think I would prefer a spicy cranberry sauce to a standard one. Maybe because I never knew what to do with cranberry sauce in the first place (not being American...) but spicy... it makes me think of chutney and sweet chilly sauce and something red and with hot possibilities.

  2. Oh wow, I love the spicy take on cranberry sauce--so different and fun!

  3. I like the idea of spicy cranberry especially on something like this.
