Tuesday, November 16, 2010

i am deticated.

I am dedicated.  I have not had internet access since Saturday.  I have been really committed to posting a MoFo each day so I am currently typing posts from Ashley's house on her lap top.  I set a personal goal for myself at the beginning of the month to make the best of this digital posting adventure and I plan to see it through.  My internet service should be back soon so I can get back to the normality of my mundane life.

I have also had some Real Estate business to attend to so this no internet has been a royal pain.  Not to mention, without the internet I have no idea what station to turn to on the TV for the latest basketballs games.  A crisis really.

I realized as I was posting yesterday that I mentioned a cranberry sauce I had  made but did not post a picture yet.  I love some homemade cranberry sauce.  The canned gel stuff is fairly nasty and certinly worthy of all the jokes made at its expense, however, the homemade stuff always hits the spot.  I could make and eat this quick dish all year long.  Not to mention my awesome vintage cookware that makes its appearance in this photo.

Otherwise, you would think a few days without internet service would lead to much cooking.  It has not.  In fact, I have just been eating quick foods.  Trying some new items I have found.  Some are pretty decent.


  1. i hope your internets are back again soon. i can imagine how sad i'd be without mine as well. :( your cranberry sauce looks beautiful, and i love the pyrex dish the mostest! i've never made homemade cranberry sauce, just always stuck with the canned stuff, and i feel kinda silly because i love the canned crap - i know it's gross, but i'll eat slices of it as is. ahahahahaa. maybe i need to make my own cranberry sauce so i can give up the canned junk and enjoy something real, homemade, and without whatever that other stuff's got it in.

  2. i've never had cranberry sauce because the can indention always grossed me out at holidays. this looks WAY different.

    sorry about the internet issues... it's sucks when we've come to rely on technology so much.

    I LoVE yOuR VinTaGE cOOkwaRe!

  3. Corndogs, corndogs! Oh I've been craving one for ages now. Your dedication is phenomenal--I'm super impressed.

  4. Are those vegan sausage rolls?

    I hope your connection problems get solved soon.

