Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Relaxing days

I am coming up on a few much needed days off.  I do not have any concrete plans but I do think that i twill be nice.  I hope to get something nice done in the kitchen.  My recipe posts have been few and far between recently.

I have had a nice week with whitewater rafting, dinners, a movie, and on Saturday, Ashley and I went to see a baseball game.  It was the Atlanta Braves vs The L.A. Dodgers.  The Vegan Mouse will be happy to know that the Dodgers won.  I do not follow baseball but we had great seats right on the field.  It was a fun time and we even found a concession stand that had vegan hot dogs!

Being on the move much of the time recently, I have eaten too many quick foods.  It has been to hot to do a lot of cooking but I have throw together some sauces for the quick foods I have been eating as well as a few other fun foods.

Mint Cookie Almond Milk Shake

Seitan Roast with a Shittake Glaze


  1. A concession stand with vegan hot dogs? That is so cool! I love it when I hear/read about people finding vegan food in unexpected places. Your food looks awesome! Mmm, honey mustard! Enjoy your days off!

  2. You're making me hungry! Your dressings look especially awesome as well as the seitan roast!!!

  3. The food looks great. I loved the mint cookies almond milk shake.

    Enjoy your days off!

  4. Your salad dressings look tasty but I'd like to know how you made the mint cookies almond milk shake. Looks so good, especially in this heat!

