Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I won!

Recently, I won the Pay it Forward contest at one of my favorite blogs.  Allotment to Kitchen.  It is a Scottish cooking and gardening blog.  She is very easy to read and has had some awful hardships with her allotment.  I have been an avid reader for over a year now and was excited to win her Pay it Forward.

Given that the package was coming from Scotland, I figured it would take awhile to get to me.  I was wrong.  She may have flown here herself it was so fast!  I was excited to see a package stuffed into my mailbox and this was filled with awesome Scottish items.

There was some great teas from that side of the pond.  There were several oat treats like sweet chilli crackers and sunflower pumpkin seed oatcakes.  There was also a very cool tea towel with some traditional Scottish recipes!  I am very excited to make a few of these vegan style.  There was also a spurtle for stirring porridge and an awesome card for me!

This made my day!  Thank you so much to Mangocheeks and the Allotment to Kitchen blog.  If you have not seen her blog yet, check it out!


  1. Great! That looks like such a fun packet of cool stuff!

  2. a huge congratulations!! im with anon, it looks like a fun package!!

  3. Thank you sooooo much for the lovely write up and kind words. Glad you like your little package.
