Monday, August 9, 2010

Not mine but for me.

The weekend was spent largely getting things done.  Planning the Grand Canyon trip, spending long hours with the kitties, working (of course), and still trying to make a fun plan for Ashley's Birthday which is Wed.  This has left the kitchen a bit neglected.  However, both Ashley and I had Sat night off and I convinced her to make some nachos.  She has been making vegan nachos for a few months now and I have yet to be able to get my hands on them.  Saturday was the big day!

My kitchen, Ashley's recipe.  Yum.

This should be a fun week and I hope to also add a closing date for property I have been working on for far to long.  Vacation in 3 weeks!


  1. Now that is one mountain of nacho deliciousness! Very impressive!

  2. what a great were looks toooooo good!

  3. Yummmmm vegan nachos! I have been on a vegan nacho craze myself lately... I swear you could convince anyone that vegan food is delicious by letting them take a nibble of an amazing pile of vegan nachos... What cheeze recipe did she use?

  4. holy crap! That nacho tower looks fantastic. We're doing nachos tonite and if mine aren't that exciting looking I will be disappointed!
