Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ashley had a birthday!

After two days of birthday fun with Ashley, I am home from a dinner at Green Sprout and nursing some bad sunburns on my knees.

Yesterday was spend about 2 hours north of Atlanta getting in some rafting.  Ashley had never been and we intended to go on our recent vacation to Virginia and Kentucky.  We did not find a place with a class high enough to bother but I noticed this place in north Georgia and South Carolina that fit the bill perfectly.  I was close enough to make a day trip out of it as well.

Class IV / V white water on a wild and scenic river was amazing.We went over numerous large drops, some as high a 10 feet!  With South Carolina on the left side of the river and Georgia on the right we saw many of the scenes from the film Deliverance and a great waterfall on the South Carolina side.

This was such a great time and it was a total of 5 hours on the water.  The only downfall, we both got badly sunburned.  Yuck.

I think she had a fun birthday and she got several vegan cookbooks to add to her collection.  She has been vegan now for almost a month!  It is a great accomplishment for her and I could not be happier with her choices recently.  She deserved a great birthday.

Happy Birthday Ashley!


  1. i cant believe you got knee sunburn! but aside from that:) thats so great to be vegan for a month!! wow congratulations and happy birthday to your friend!!

  2. sorry about all these comments, i forgot to tell you that i am passing along a blog award to you:) its a real big deal coming from me ya'know? LOL!!jk

  3. Nice pictures .Do drop by when time permits
