Monday, August 2, 2010

Not Mashed and the kitties!

I have not been feeling great the last couple of days.  I am not sure what it is but I am confident that it is nothing serious.  I have been just taking in easy in hopes to get better.

I am still undecided about the new kitties.  It seems like everyone has an opinion and I can not make everyone happy.  For the short term, I am fine with letting them living in my crawl space.  I will need to make a choice sometime soon though, for their sakes and mine.


I stumbled on a nice little food creation recently.  Not-mashed potatoes.  It is very similar to my creamy mashed potato recipe with a few minor changes to keep it a good constancy.  These came out great, they were light due to only being boiled but the sauce was strong and flavorful.

Not-Mashed Potatoes

3 small red potatoes (cubed)
2 cups of water
2 tablespoon of vegan margarine
1 1/2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast
3/4 tablespoon of dill weed
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of pepper
1 teaspoon of garlic powder
1 teaspoon of paprika
1/2 teaspoon of celery seed

In a pot, add the water and cubed potatoes.  I leave the skin on as it has a nice flavor and contains most of the nutrients.  Bring to a simmer and let cook for about 20 mins or until the potatoes are tender.  Be careful not to over cook, the peels should still be attached.  Strain set aside.

In the now empty pot, add all remaining ingredients.  The margarine should begin to melt with the heat of the pot.  Carefully pour the potato cubes over the margarine sauce.  Cover and toss until the sauce has an even coating over the potatoes and all the margarine has melted.



  1. Those kitties make me wish I had room for another cat. Alas; 2 indoor cats in 700 sq feet are enough :(
    The humane society with give the kitties all their shots and fix them for $10 each if you let them know the cats are strays and you're trying to do the responsible thing. They can also home them for you if necessary; and since they're very small; people will want them. <3

  2. if you decide to let them stay, even outside, here's another option for low cost neutering:

    you can get them neutered pretty early, around 3 months old i think.

  3. Love the kitties! Too cute! And the potatoes looks super yummy--nothing like a new variation on a favorite starch

  4. AWW to the max. So glad that you are helping these little guys out, I am sure you will make the right decision.

  5. Laura makes an excellent point. If you do let them stay, you will really want to have them spade and neutered, if not those 4 or 5 little kitties will explode into a whole colony right before your very eyes.

    Here's a statistic that you can find on many humane society websites and the like:

    "In the span of seven years, an unspayed cat and her offspring can produce 370,000 kittens!"

  6. Nice to have found your blog- recipes look/sound delicious!

  7. Sorry to hear you are feeling a bit under the weather. I made a big pot of gumbo last night. Wish I could send some to you. Food is always comforting when you feel puny.

    The potatoes look delicious.

    The kittens are so cute. I understand, it is a tough decision. The good thing is, kittens always seem to find homes pretty easy.

    Have a great day.

  8. I just spent the morning drooling over the food you've made over the last year or two... now if only you lived down here in FL! We need more vegan eats here in the Sunshine State.
