Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mango Ice Cream and a Satruday Off

I had Saturday off.  For the first time in a long while, I was able to attend the Vegan Lunch Group Meetup.  It was at Harmony this month.  Jamie and I attended and it seemed like there were a lot of new people compared to the last time we were able to attend.  We ate out lunch and we fairly anti-social.  Oh well,  I guess we were just in that type of mood.  Next month is a pot luck so hopefully, we will be in better spirits socially for the next one.

That afternoon, Ashley and I had plans to go see a movie.   Neither of us felt up to it so we just went window shopping and made some dinner.  We made some burritos with beans, rice, soy chicken, avocado and a chipolte sour cream sauce that I made.  I may share that recipe but not right now.  The sandwiches were very good but the highlight of the meal was dessert.

I had a few mangoes laying around and we made ice cream!  Ashley had some C02 chargers and she made some coconut lime whipped cream while I assembled the mango ice cream.  This ice cream was fantastic and the texture was perfect.

Mango Ice Cream

2 large mangoes (peeled and pitted)
15 oz of high fat coconut milk
1 cup of sugar
1 tablespoon of lime juice (optional)

Combine all ingredients in a blender.  The mangoes make take several minutes to puree and the mixture should be thick.  Then follow the instructions on your ice cream maker.

This made enough for 4 servings of ice cream and we had about 5 servings of burritos, which was nice because Ashley was able to take some to work with her Sunday!


  1. Mango ice cream sounds like the perfect way to beat the heat!

  2. Awesome ice cream! Mango isn't a flavor I often think of for desserts (or just eating, for that matter) so it's nice to have such a delicious reminder. :)

  3. Thank you! The bf and me used to make a mango ice cream back when I wasn't vegan. I totally forgot how delicious mango ice cream is. Must make this!

  4. Gauri Radha गौरी राधाDecember 17, 2010 at 7:35 PM

    That ice-cream is so colorful!! Wow, it's totally raining outside but now I am in the mood for vegan ice-cream :-)
