Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day Seven; foodies foodies foodies, dogs dogs dogs.

Day Seven.

Thursday morning came and went quickly and Louisville was Atlanta style hot.  This was Ashley's day to shine.  Basically, it was a relaxing day with about 5 meals several snacks, some pool time at the hotel and a nap.  This was the rest stop before the last leg of the trip.

We had our lunch spot at the Third Avenue Cafe.  This was very much a diner type of place with slightly rude waitstaff, many sandwich options and more hipsters than you can count.  I had a Bar B-Que tofu sandwich with cashew coleslaw and fries. I love Bar B-Que so how could I pass up Kentucky Bar B-Que?  Ashley had the veggie cream cheese sandwich.  This place was decent but I was left with feeling that other than the Bar B-Que sauce, it was nothing special.

After a few hours of relaxing and resting our tired bodies at the hotel, we headed back out to our new favorite Louisville spot.  Cones and Coneyz!  The owner remember us from the day before and we had a nice little chat.  He seems very excited to be running a dog and ice cream shoppe and it is fun to be around him.  It seems like such a rare thing these days.  It is like he has a special relationship with each customer.  We gorged ourselves on dogs.  We had chili dogs, Chicago dogs, Coney Island dogs, it was amazing!  We even got a local root beer to share.  I wish this place was in Atlanta.

After the coneyz, we stopped back by Sweet Surrender to grab some cupcakes for a bedtime snack as we had opted to stay another night in Louisville.  They had more strawberry cupcakes and we snatched them up!  We also grabbed a chocolate cupcake, a chocolate cupcake with strawberry frosting, and a carrot cupcake with cinnamon frosting.  Still, by far, my favorite was the strawberry cake with strawberry icing.  It was great.

 We dropped the cakes off at the hotel and headed to our next food stop.  The Swan Dive.  As the name indicated, this was a dive bar.  Not my typical spot but they had an all vegan menu and there was no smoking allowed.  I would have refused to go to the most awesome vegan spot in the world if they allowed smoking.  Swan Dive was in a residential neighborhood and in someones basement.  It was very dark as you would expect.  The service was slow (maybe because we were not drinking) but the food was pretty solid.  I had my first philly cheese steak ever with some vegan mac and cheese.  Ashley had a  french dip with fries.  We shared some great buffalo not-wings.  The not-wings were fabulous and I am not generally a fan of hot wings.

As we were waiting for our food, a dog ran up to our table for some attention.  The story goes, he was a rescued bait dog for competitive dog fighting rings.  He now was living with a lawyer who was involved in the pursuit of litigation for animal abuse against the dogs abusers.  This guy was such a sweetie!  His manners were a bit lacking (he liked to jump onto our table) and I am a bit of an enabler.  I was feeding him parts of my meal under the table.  I guess, I am a softie.

This great little doggie had been bit on his head and had a massive scar. His teeth had been filed down so that he could not hurt the competitive fighting dogs.  He was in sad shape and I wanted to take him home with me.  He was a good guy.


  1. Isn't it annoying when you eat out and the waiting staff are annoyingly rude!

    Sorry to read about the dog. My heart just sank. Jsut saw the news here, showing about a Bulldog attacking a Guide dog. I don't believe its the dogs, its the irresponsible owners who bring up their dogs poorly.

  2. oh my god yuuuuummmmmmyyyyyyyyy! (sorry I'm a little drunk.)

  3. before I went vegan, wings were my absolute favorite food...I've not been able to find good faux wings, but those look pretty darn awesome!

  4. Ohh, those cupcakes look incredible! What an awesome find. :)
