Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day Eight; mammoth and more dogs?

Day Eight.

Friday morning we got a slower start out of Louisville than we would have liked.  Once we were on the road again, it was smooth sailing to Mammoth Cave National Park.  The was the last major stop of the trip.  The heat was beginning to wear on us and we were slightly irritable.  After securing a campsite, getting out tickets for the following days caving adventure, we headed back into town to play some mini golf and check on a zip lining place.  The zip lining was closed until the following day but we got in a game of golf.

We headed back into the park to scavenge some firewood because we had picked up some vegan hot dogs (had to continue the coneyz trend) and planned to grill them on a campfire.  We also got in a short hike and saw a huge turtle on the path.  For some reason I did not take a picture.  Deer, butterflies, and wild turkeys seemed to be more populating than humans here.  We even hiked to an overlook area that was a very nice space with great views of the park.

The campfire.  Sigh.  After some difficulty with my primal manhood ability to create fire, Ashley walked to the campsite next to us and asked for help.  He brought his lighter fluid and showed me up.  Oh well.  We then began the cooking of our dogs.  We had some cilantro laying around so I threw some on the dogs as well.

I was able to get some decent campfire pictures before it went out.  Then it was a humid night of tossing and turning in the tent.


  1. I find there are three keys to a good campfire:

    1. Good, dry wood. All of our state parks sell firewood that is emerald ash-borer free, and kiln-dried.

    2. Crumpled up newspaper. I actually pack a whole paper every time we go camping.

    3. Fire starters. Our state parks also sell these, and I'm sure you could find them at hardware stores, too. They burn a lot longer than newspaper, so they help the logs catch better.

    Hope the veggie dogs were good, even though the fire took a long time!

  2. Glad you got the fire had taken such breath taking photographs. They are so facinating and I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father who made such a beautiful world and by giving us the joy of seeing it through someone else's eyes....thank you.

  3. What a wonderful holiday! Glad you're having a good time.
