Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ode to my Grammy on Mother's Day

It may be Mother's Day but I wanted to talk about my Grammy. As a young kid, she used to take me to Salem Mass to do all the tourist witch trial stuff. I always had a wonderful time and it was something later in life I took my siblings too. On the 3 hour ride down to Salem, my Grammy would tell my the stories of Hamlet and MacBeth. I remember enjoying the stories so much that she would occasionally take me to the Monmoth Playhouse to see the plays.

My Grammy and I, later in life, did not speak much. Both of our priories changed however, on this Monther's Day, I wanted to remember the good things. One of those it a classic Maine dish, the only dish I ever remember my Grammy making, fiddleheads.

Fiddleheads are a local fern that grows wild on the riverbanks of Maine. While at the store the other day, I noticed that they were selling them down here in Atlanta for 4.99 for what looked like about 8-10 fiddleheads. Quickly, I called my brother, who works at a local fish and produce shop on the riverbank in Hallowell Maine. He said he can get fiddleheads fresh and cleaned for 4.99 a pound. We looked into shipping some to me here for me to share and 4 pounds were in route, freshly picked that morning.

Grammy, as much as I disliked these as a young boy, these are for you, the way you used to make them. Weekends I spent with you taking road trips, playing Yahtzee and cribbage, and telling me about Shakespeare made for great memories. This is how I try to remember my Grammy. Happy Mother's Day Grammy.

Fiddleheads in Lemon Juice

2 cups of fiddleheads
1 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil
1 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice
2/3 teaspoon of salt
2/3 teaspoon of ground pepper
2/3 teaspoon of garlic powder

In a steamer, cook the fiddleheads (make sure they are cleaned and any oxidation has been cut off) for 10-12 minutes. In a bowl, combine the remaining ingredients and mix well. Once the fiddleheads are a nice dark green and tender, but not slimy, remove from heat. Toss the fiddleheads in the lemon sauce and serve.

This is a traditional later spring Maine dish. I have more then enough fiddleheads to make some great dishes so stay tuned. When I asked my mum about fiddleheads, she said "I don't eat ferns!" Happy Mother's Day Mum!


  1. Interesting dish, I had never heard of this plant before but if grammy cooked it well it must of been good stuff.

  2. So jealous! I've still never been lucky enough to find fiddleheads, but I really want to try them. They sound and look delicious.

  3. Interesting dish!!! looks delicious...

  4. This is such a sweet post and that dish looks delicious. I've never had fiddleheads but I'd like to!

  5. When I saw the gorgeous green photo I had to click over to see what this was. Never heard of fiddleheads, but I am intrigued!

  6. What a beautiful tribute to your grandmother! Fiddleheads are so delicious and I'm sure she would have been proud of you!

  7. Awww...I am sorry to hear you are no longer in touch with your Grandma, but it is sweet of you to honor her with this post!

    I love fiddle head ferns--thanks for sharing!

