Sunday, March 7, 2010


Thanks to everyone for all the pleasant birthday wishes! It is much appreciated. My birthday is a big deal to me and it was nice to get the attention.

I have been 30 now for several days. I am sure it is purely coincidence but there has been many changes in the last week. A few fun things happened. I received a Pay if Forward package from Krys at Two Vegan Boys. It was great! Some nice snacks (which I am a total sucker for!) and some coffee beans. I foresee the beans and the new ice cream maker having a solid relationship! It is always a very fun thing to open a package and Jamie was here at the time to enjoy the fun as well. Thank you so much Krys!

This is not the only package I received this week. My mother sent me a nice card with some pictures. Also, my good friend Neil sent me a copy of Living Raw Food. This is a cookbook that highlights many recipes from Pure Food and Wine restaurant in New York City, where he is the executive chef. I have not looked it over thoroughly yet but I am excited and am very interested in getting some more raw foods going.

It has been a busy weekend and I have not done much of my own new cooking. I will get my motivation back very soon. I am confident. I did touch on a few classics in the kitchen.

like banana bread


  1. It's always enjoyable to get mail, especially packages. Sounds like you'll be busy trying out recipes for awhile. glad you had a happy birthday. the pics with the giant chair are fun and cute :)

  2. ps. you're not old. and i'm glad youre not dead yet! dont die too young!

  3. I love getting any kind of mail (except bills!) but packages are the best! I got one today and it was filled with my favorite things - books!

    Can't wait to see the new recipes you come up with. Banana bread is always a winner!

  4. Oh, happy belated birthday, and sorry I missed it! Sounds like a great time all around. :)
