Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Not all roller coasters are fun.

These last several days have been a blur, a roller coaster. They have all run together and ended with two days off and much needed conversations. Exhaustion does not even begin to describe it. Ironically, sleep was not readily available. I may have only gotten about 7 hours over the course of 3 days. I contemplated things that may have lasting effects.

Enough with the drama. I was mildly productive with my short bout against insomnia. I got my kitchen painted! I still need to get the cabinets finished but the paint is up. Check it off the list.

I also showed a few houses, and finally got my NCIC report back and mailed (hopefully) the last of the paperwork off to the Real Estate Commission. I could be a licensed agent next month! My hard work may pay off, literally. Fingers crossed.

Today was a cooking day. Ashley came over for a bit early in the afternoon with her coffee grinder. She ground up some of the beans that Krys sent me. Gosh, they smell so good. Then we made donuts. I need to work on the more as they were a little hard. I will get it. However, i did stumble upon something amazing! I had left over donut batter so we poured it into a mini loaf pan and add a crumb topping that ended up being to wet and sinking into the middle. The crumb topping gave it almost a gooey syrup inside. It was amazing! I will replicate this and post the recipe.

Until then, all I will give is dinner. Jamie and I had a great meal that was topped by another great dessert!

Green Curry with Tofu and Red Pepper

The Curry

5 cloves of garlic (chopped)
3 small green chili peppers (chopped)
1 shallot (chopped)
1/2 can of coconut milk
1 1/2 cups of (tightly packed) Thai basil leaves
1/2 cup of vegetable broth
1 tablespoon of sugar
2 teaspoons of salt1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of turmeric
1 teaspoon of shredded ginger
1 teaspoon of curry powder

In a blender, combine all ingredients and blend until all basil leaves are liquefied. If you want, you can fry the garlic, peppers, and shallot with the spices before hand but it is not necessary.

The Veggies

1 pound of firm tofu
1 red pepper
1 onion
1 tablespoon of oil

In a saute pan, bring the oil to a med heat. Add the red pepper (cut into thin length-wise slices) and onions and fry until the onion is translucent.
In a non-stick pan set for med heat, place the tofu (cut into small pieces) evenly. Flip it every few minutes and allow to "fry" for about 15 minutes or until the sides are a nice golden color. This is a great way to get a crunchy piece of tofu without using oil.

Then add the onions and peppers into the tofu and reduce heat to med-low. Add the curry liquid and bring to a simmer. Allow simmering to occur for 8-10 minutes stirring regularly to avoid burning. Serve over rice.

I also made some pina colada ice cream! I like having an ice cream maker in the house. We had a bunch of left over ice cream so we let it melt and made it into popsicle with my new pop maker!


  1. it sounds like things have been a bit of a whirlwind. i hope they even out soon, and i hope you find yourself getting more sleep, too. the kitchen looks great; i love the window! i am eagerly awaiting your donut recipe. mmmmmmmm! so awesome on taking the leftover donut dough and making the crumb topped loaf. i love the dish you baked it in - i looooove old pyrex dishes! hooray for one tasty curry, and pina colada ice cream is so yummy! i need to get an ice cream maker! fingers crossed on the license! :)

  2. A great use of the leftover donut dough:) The Curry looks delicious and so does the icecream!!! Waiting for your donut recipe:)

  3. Pina colada ice cream sounds like the perfect way to swing life up after a long, exhausting time. And your green curry looks delish!

  4. Oooh that looks like an amazing plate of curry....and how creative that you came up with a cocktail ice-cream!! heheeh thanks for th inspiration!
