Friday, January 1, 2010

Roasted Brussel Sprouts

Due to demand, I will give you my super simple recipe for roasted brussel sprouts. This is very easy and is far from your grandma's nasty boiled into oblivion brussel sprouts. These are crisp and nutty in flavor with a nice crunchy texture.

Roasted Brussel Sprouts

15 med sized brussel sprouts
3 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons of oil
2 teaspoons of ground black pepper
2 teaspoons of salt
1 teaspoon of paprika

Pre-heat your oven to 375. In a baking pan pour the oil and garlic, enough to lightly cover the bottom. This is the most difficult part of the recipe. To much oil will make them soggy and to little will dry them out. Put the baking pan in the oven with the oil and let the oil get hot (about 5 minutes). Do not let it smoke. Chop the stem off each of the brussel sprouts and cut them in half lengthwise. When the oil it hot, sprinkle the pepper, salt, and paprika into the oil and place each brussel sprout open face down in the oil. Roast for about 25 minutes.

Sat I will be getting my first new furniture for my home! As a child I had an orange couch. It was called the Muppet-hide couch by everyone. It felt just like Muppet skin. When I was 19, my best friend Jonny and I threw everything I owned away so I could be a minimalist and travel, including the couch. This was one of the most difficult things for me to let go. In a thrift store today I spotted two chairs with the same material! I was so excited I almost cried. Needless to say I bought them and they will be a permanent fixture in my life. Pictures soon!


  1. The chairs sound awesome. We love the retro style too. We found an awesome chair at the thrift store for 10 bucks which I love. Happy New Year!

  2. You can't go wrong with roasted brussels! Happy new year!

  3. Love roasting brussel sprouts. Dont know why I was boiling them for all those years :) can't wait to see the chairs!

  4. What a great recipe! Thanks for sharing your super simple recipe, I love it.

    Best wishes for a very happy and healthy 2010!

  5. Great recipe! I love brussel sprouts. Happy New Year!

  6. i usually roast my brussels with just olive oil, salt, and pepper - i'm totally going to have to roast some up and add in a little paprika and garlic, too. thanks! happy new year and i can't wait to see pictures of the chairs! :)

  7. I am not a big fan of sprouts and have a load growing in my plot. this is certainly one recipe I will be trying as I like the sound of the paprika.

    Happy New Year to you in your new home. Its nice to have your own place, I rented accommodation from the moment I left my parents up to 2005 when I finally could afford my own place, still not a house, but its mine - the trick for me is to stop treating it like student accommodation. The real world eh.
