Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Chairs and Comedy

After a nice weekend of fun events, I am preparing for a plan-less set of weekdays. Friday I went home from work (not feeling great) and got a good nights sleep. Saturday morning brought me some new chairs!
I am so excited to have them! This is the same fabric that I had on my couch as a kid. Some days I miss that couch, I hope these chairs make up for the loss. I am not sure where I am going to put them yet but they are awesome. Super excited!

That afternoon, Jamie and I went to look at apartments for her. She saw about 11 of them before we ran out of appointments. She has some good prospects and I trust that she will make a good decision. Apartment hunting is something I really enjoy (and have too much experience with) and I can not wait to go again.

That night Ashley and I went to a new comedy club to see Tom Simmons. Tom is a great local comedian. I used to go to comedy shows several time a month. I was a regular at a popular venue and occasionally visited a few others. It had been quite some time since I had gone and It was a good reminder of how much I enjoy live stand-up.

Given my resurrected love for stand-up, I noticed that Dan Mangini was playing at club I was once such a regular at. Dan is my absolute favorite local comedian. In fact, a genuine case can be made that he is my true favorite. My brother Ben, and I discovered the greatness of Dan one night several years ago. Since then, when I notice he will be playing in Atlanta, I try to attend. Jamie and I made a plan to head out to Roswell Georgia and get in some good gut laughs. Sadly, there was only 13 people there and one of them thought it would be cool to heckle Dan. He handled it well but it was disruptive. Oh well, that is what you get when Jesus is at your show.

Hurray for new chairs, revitalized comedy interest, and upcoming food!


  1. oooh my goooodness! we totally had a chair just like yours when i was growing up, too! that's so crazy & awesome! we actually still have the chair, but my mom took it upon herself to have it redone with another fabric! i'm gonna have to send her the link to your post - this is great! :) live stand-up is pretty awesome, i haven't seen any in a while and now i really want to. i've never heard of Dan Mangini before - totally going to check him out! thanks!

  2. I love the chairs. I was hoping to see a picture. The look super comfy.
