Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I was extremely productive today and was heavily rewarded! I got up early on my day off and grabbed my new hedge clippers. My front hedge was out of control. It had not been trimmed in a long time. It was a task I have never attempted but I think I did a good job. I cut my hands all up on the holly but it was worth it. It was blocking my walkway into the house.

I then grabbed my new rake and started what I thought would be an afternoon of yard work. To my surprise, 2 years worth of leaves and pine needles are for than an afternoon operation. Thirteens massive piles of leaves later, I was only half way done with my front yard. I had not even begun on my side and back yard. I immediately felt blisters beginning on my thumbs so I called it a day. One hedge trimmed and thirteen piles of leave left me still feeling pretty good. There is something strong about working outside. I can not wait to get some more done.

I think my yard is going to be awesome...eventually.

After my yard work, I took a drive to a few thrift stores. Nothing great but it was a nice ride. The weather has been great and it is nice to roll my windows down and let Lucero and Jose Gonzales ring through my car. A nice afternoon drive. I even saw one of my new neighbors and they waved to me. It is fun to live in a neighborhood that I choose.

Home. Nap. Knock at the door? Delivery. I got the finally check for the contractors and a awesome package from my mum. Surprise! A new spice rack, new tote, caulk removal tool, and a copy of The Conscious Cook. It is nice to know my mum is thinking about me. I wish I could cook like this guy, this book is amazing and has a lot of fun information too. Thanks mum!


  1. Love days like those....and moms, or mums, like those. :)

  2. The yard is lookin' good! I wish I enjoyed yard work, but I really don't. However, I do enjoy a nice looking yard. It's a conundrum.

  3. I love productive days. And the care package is lovely.

  4. I love to be productive too! This post really inspired me to work harder on my garden project, thanks! You're so lucky to have such a sweet and thoughtful mom!
