Thursday, January 21, 2010

The last supper

I went to the condo for the final time last night. Jamie will be moving out on Sunday. She was not feeling well so I made dinner. I insisted that she pull up a chair near the stove so that she could keep me company. After a minute or so, we decided that Tato might want to join us in the kitchen. We dragged his bed beside Jamie's chair and he immediately jumped in. He is so cute sometimes.
He joined us for quite some time, however he was not nice for very long.

For dinner I wanted Jamie to pick something that reminded her of things we made in the condo together. She choose Indian food. I had been wanting to try some new things I had picked up recently so, it worked out great! This may have been the best Channa Maslsa that I have made yet. and it was the easiest. Not sure if it is worth posting a recipe considering all the other Indian food recipes on the net.


  1. Channa Masala is a great last meal--playful cat aside :)

  2. Chana masala is my favourite:) The cat looks so cute:)

  3. Channa masala is the best! It looks fabulous.

  4. Aww, such an adorable kitty!

    And I do just love channa masala- Yours looks incredible!

  5. Oh Yum! I'm so impressed with the look of your Channa Masala! Please post the recipe, I need that easiest recipe!

    p.s. The kitty is so adorable!
