Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jelly Donuts?

Typically I am not a user of cookbook. I tend to find following a recipe very limiting. I like to write them but not follow them, ironic, I know. Actually, I think that the need to follow someones instructions in order to have a healthy, delicious, and nutritious meal is a sad testament to our self domestication.

Recently, I received a great cookbook for my mother that I will be exploring in depth. It has a lot of great information beyond just simple recipes. Ashley got a copy of the Veganomicon for her birthday and I have been poking around in this treasure too. With my recent donut fanaticism, I was very intigued by the jelly donut recipe that I found. I failed. I do not think they remind me of jelly donuts at all, however they are tasty! I have proven it before, sometimes a failed idea is a new discovery.
I will continue to work on this item until it is perfected. A recipe (and name) for this jelly filled circle will be posted soon!


  1. it's kinda funny, because we own a lot of cookbooks, but i don't ever make much from them. i don't know why, but we just don't. veganomicon is a great cookbook though - and i use a lot of the recipes for inspiration. i also love the informational section in the front of the book on grains and such. you are right - sometimes a failed idea is a new discovery, and i'm looking forward to a jelly donut recipe!

  2. If it tastes good then I don't think it's a failure--just something different! VCon is a great book, it's one of the only ones I own that I actually cook from :)
