Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Burritos and Cobbler

Extremely full from a large lunch. I need to head to work soon but I may need a nap after all this food. I have been thinking about some easy foods for one and burritos came to mind. I found a nice avocado the other day so it was on.
Two huge burritos may have been a bit overkill but I just could not stop eating them. My special guacamole brings it to the next level. That recipe will have to wait for the cookbook. I need to keep some things a secret.
I also whipped up some blueberry cobbler with some frozen berries that Jamie and I picked last summer. Tasty! Cobbler is something I have always struggled with and I need some help. This tastes good but it is not what I had in mind. Oh well.

Hiking or something fun tomorrow looks to be in the works. It should be a nice day out and although I should do something more productive, I may just go do something fun. Next month should bring a lot of visitors to the house and I have many exciting things to look forward to.


  1. I just got some avocados, so it's on here too!! :) I could really use a burrito in my life right about now.

  2. I've been enjoying lots of burritos lately. They certainly are quick, easy and delicious! I'm a big fan of avocados too but recently found some amazing chimichurri sauce that took my burritos to the next level. If you see some in the grocery store, give it a try.

  3. I want some cobbler! I'm going to come over and eat some!

  4. oh man, so awesome on the burritos! mexican yummies are my favorite - i could stuff myself with them all the time. yum! when you find a great avocado you've gotta make mexican eatz, indeed! i've never attempted a cobbler before - although some day i'd like to give it a whirl. we have some blackberries frozen from last summer - perhaps i'll use them up soon & attempt my first cobbler. hmmmmm.....

    i hope you're out doing something super fun. yay!
