Saturday, November 7, 2009

Top Chef?

It has been 3 painful weeks since Jamie and I have been able to watch top chef. Apparently, we have been illegally getting cable and now are out of luck. It is going to be tough to catch up. Sad times. I do not really watch a lot of television but it was something that Jamie and I got into together. Instead of top chef, we ended up making enchiladas. They were good but it would have been great paired with our weekly television fix.

I have a hectic work week coming up. I work too many double shifts and have no days off until I leave for LA. I guess that is the cost of vacations. I am sure the trip will be worth the pain though. Big things!


  1. I don't have cable, but I watch Top Chef on the Ninja Video site which is very reliable. Give it a shot if you have appropriate internet access. Especially because you missed the vegetarian dinner episode!!!

  2. There's also a site called that posts the episodes weekly.

  3. How sad! Top Chef is the best! Hope you can catch up :)

  4. Awww I love Top Chef! I haven't seen it in years, I need to start downloading it. They might not be vegan at all but it definitely gives me some great ideas to work with.

  5. we watch top chef online, too - as we don't have cable. i'm sorry you've missed it three weeks in a row now. we don't watch a ton of tv either, but top chef is one of our favs!

    working like crazy before your vacation may make the break that much more awesome - have fun in LA, and your enchiladas look divine!
