Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lentils and Veggies with Tofu

After a weekend of activities with Emily, who came down from New Hampshire, to visit on her birthday, it was nice to come back to the condo. There is nothing like a home cooked meal. I made some lentils with veggies and tofu. Eatting out is fun but it just never compares. Oh... and I got some new plates!

Jamie recently made some spaghetti squash with pesto! I am so proud of her. Over two years ago when we met, she was confident that her culinary limits were in the realm of nachos and cheese. Now, 27 months later, not only is she vegan but is making her own great food. I am gushing. I have seen this little chef grow! Great job Jamie! I really enjoy cooking with you and learning with you!

According to my contractor, my house will be ready for me to move into in a few weeks. It is very exciting. I am doing many fun things with the house now. Today I decided on the color stain for my wood floors, the color granite for my counter top, as well as picked out my kitchen sink! This is an exciting time and although I am strong, I must admit that I am a bit anxious about all the changes.

On a positive note, my mother came through like a champ and got me the documentation that I needed from the State of Maine so I can continue to pursue my real estate license. Go mum!

6 days and then I head off to Los Angeles to see my friend Laura. It has been almost two years since I have seen her and we still talk almost everyday. I miss her. It will be a nice time and I will have many food pictures for you - I know that is all you want!

9 days and I will be in Maine! Apparently there may be some punk picnic being organized while I am there. I would be really happy if that happened as I would really like to see some old friends. I get a bit overwhelmed when I go to Maine because there are too many people I want to see and spend time with and just not enough time. I am looking forward to going on a nice hike with my good friend Greta! I will have pictures to share.

Another quick shout out to a friend, I am so touched that Myrna has been reading my blog. It is nice to know that people around me (even at work) take an interest in what I am doing. Myrna is so sweet.


  1. What a delicious meal & rock on Jamie! It's so exciting to hear about people learning how to cook and becoming involved with food!

  2. Yum! That looks good. I just found your blog and am enjoying reading it!
