Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tartar Sauce

I have been busy the last several days and have not had the chance to post. I feel guilty that I can not keep up with all of the postings that people are making for veganmofo. It is impressive. I wish I had that much to say.

I have been saving this recipe for a day when I had time to post and not much to say. Here goes...

Tartar Sauce

3/4 cup of vegan mayonnaise
1 tablespoon of chopped dill pickle
1 teaspoon of chopped onion
1 teaspoon of ground black pepper
1 teaspoon of dulse flakes (other seaweed will work)
1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder

In a bowl, mix the mayonnaise and pickle together until they have become well mixed. This pickles need to be chopped finely. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well. It should be a think and slightly lumpy consistency.

Tomorrow is the October vegan lunch meetup and I have 2 days off. No plans other then the meetup but we will see.


  1. Have fun at the meetup!

    Tartar sauce is the bomb on so many things from baked or fried tofu to sandwiches to who knows what else. Such a great sauce!

  2. I LOVE tartar sauce, this is a perfect vegan recipe for me, thanks:)

  3. i totally dig tartar sauce. did you make some sort of 'fish' sammmie to eat it on?

  4. Mmm, that's a good looking sammich. Ken used to love tartar sauce, so we will have to try this recipe.

  5. i don't have that much to say either. that's what the pictures are for. i mean, we eat every day, right? i also cheat a little and schedule several days of posts when i find the time to post.
