Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Passed my test!

I passed my test! Finally! Tonight is Top Chef, to celebrate.

Last night my mum came into town and we went to my house. She had a good time and was impressed with the size of the house.

She has not been feeling well and wanted to have something light for dinner. We made some pasta and salad. I am ashamed to admit then I have never really made my own pasta sauce from scratch. There seem to be so many easy jar sauces out there that I always just use them as a base and work from there. Not last night, not for my mum!

Anyone else like their OJ so chunky that you need a spoon?


  1. this blog is wonderful -- but it makes me so hungry. can i come and visit? please.

    p.s. congrats on passing the test!

  2. Congrats! I knew you could do it!
    Great looking food, yum!

  3. Congrats on passing the test!!!!

    And I can't wait to catch up on Top Chef tomorrow--Kevin and Eli are my main men!

  4. Congratulations on passing your test! I'm so happy for you! Homemade pasta sauce is the best, but I usually use a store bought version, too. Yours looks great!
    Yay for Top Chef! Kevin is my favorite!

  5. Congrats on passing the test!!!
    Your dinner looks wonderful, your mom must be very proud of you!

  6. Congrats on the test AND your first homemade pasta sauce!

    Thank you for your nice comment on my farewell post! :-)

  7. hoooooooooray for passing your test! and you are too sweet to make some ever-so delicious looking homemade pasta sauce for your mom! isn't homemade so yummy?! we love making lots & freezing it for later.

    also - hooray for top chef! i love that show so much!

  8. Congrats!!!! Food looks delicious!!

  9. congrats on passing your test!

    oh! i love orange green smoothies. they taste just like an orange julius.
    i use 1 banana, 2 oranges and about a cup of baby spinach. it's definitely spoon (or big straw) worthy!

  10. Congrats on passing. Yippee! The meal you made looks terrific. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  11. Glad you passed! Homemade sauce is always better even if it mostly starts with a can of tomatoes. Looks good!
