Thursday, October 22, 2009

Roasted bandwagon

Everyone seems to be roasting veggies and tofu. I guess it is that time of the year. Nice autumn weather goes so well with garlic and potatoes. The temptation was too much. Join the bandwagon.
Brussel Sprouts are another veggie that just seems like autumn to me. The nutty flavor and crunchy texture are so good. Strangely, I first had brussel sprouts about a year ago and not they have become one of my favorite foods.

Toss some mashed creamy potatoes and you have a meal!


  1. YUM! This looks like a meal I would make, definitely. I love roast veggies, it completely transforms their already delicious flavor and takes them over the top. And who doesn't love mashed potatoes? Why has it been so long since I've made them! It is craziness.

  2. the bandwagon is large and has room for all! maybe this is the year i make kevin eat brussels sprouts. he thinks he won't like them. i'm thinking roasting is the way to go to get him into them.

  3. I'm with you on the brussels sprouts bandwagon--they're one of my favorites!

  4. i always thought i would hate brussels sprouts - but the first time i tried them, i was pissed that i had missed them all my life. :)

    roasted veggies are definitely all over the blogosphere right now... and for good reason. yum!

  5. I LOVE brussels sprouts and I've never thought of roasting them, great idea!!! I found a great tip and recipe for brussels sprouts. Thought you might be interested in this one:

  6. in my youth I was vehemently anti-brussel sprouts because my only experience of them was nanna boiling the life out of them and serving up bitter, mushy lumps of evil. then a couple of years ago i tried roasting them, and my god! could anything be more perfect? surely it must be hoodoo magic to make them taste so nutty and delicious! proud convert right here
