Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Peanut Butter Curry with Tofu

As it turns out, my dad will no longer be coming to visit and help with the house. It is unfortunate for me but great for him. He got a new job! I am very happy and it is a great thing for him. On a side note, it means that I have some vacation time that I need to use next month. I have been throwing around some fun ideas and hope that something great comes to fruition. Option 1 is to take a trip to Los Angeles to see my friend Laura. It has been far too long and I miss her too much. Option 2 is to trek to Maine and see my family and friends. Option 3 is a solo trip to Vancouver Canada to get in some cold weather hiking and good food. We will see what happens.

I zipped home to watch top chef only to realize that the venomous cable company has destroyed our service. It was a sad moment and Jamie and I will need to play catch up again. We thought we were finally on a weekly basis. Sad times.

In honor of the missed top chef, I made some peanut curry! This is a dish I have been making for many years and has occasionally been a staple in my diet.

Peanut Butter Curry with Tofu

1/2 pound of tofu
2 vine ripe tomatoes (diced)
4 cloves of garlic
1/2 of a sweet onion (chopped)
12 oz of coconut milk
2 cups of veggies
1/3 cup of peanut butter
1 tablespoon of oil
3 teaspoons of curry powder
3 teaspoons of cumin
2 teaspoons of salt
2 teaspoons of ground black pepper
2 teaspoons of jalapeno pepper (chopped)
2 teaspoon of turmeric
2 teaspoon of coriander
2 teaspoons of fresh cilantro

In a sauce pan heat the oil. Add the garlic and onion and let it begin to turn the onion translucent. When the onion is done, add the turmeric, jalapeno pepper, and curry powder. Stir well and cook for only about 2 minutes. Everything should be yellow. Add the coconut milk and bring to a simmer.

Bring a separate non-stick pan to about low or low/med temperature. When the pan is hot, add the todu (cubed) and let it begin to sizzle. Without oil the tofu will brown up each side withing a few minutes. Be sure to stir the tofu often and gently. Add in the veggies as you see fit and cook until tender.

When the coconut sauce mixture has simmered for about 5 minutes (stirring frequently to avoid burning) add the reaming ingredients and turn your heat down to low. Bring the sauce back to a simmer and the peanut butter will melt, and the tomatoes will liquify. Let simmer for about 10 minutes and add the approprate amount of sauce to the tofu and mix.


  1. Your food looks tasty! My boyfriend will be delighted to know that there is another Vegan man out there!

  2. I've only made peanut butter curry sauces of the thai persuasion, I would have never thought to use indian spices. This really sounds great, I'll be trying this out soon.

  3. Beautiful peanut curry! And congrats on your dad getting a job!

  4. never met a peanut sauce i didn't like. i'm so gonna try this one too.

  5. That tofu curry looks and sounds REALLY good, I'll definitely give this one a try.

    I can't believe I missed reading this post, good thing I came back! You have a LOT of great recipe here, I'll have to spend my day-off diging through your older posts:)

    Thank you for sharing!
