Tuesday, January 5, 2016

As 2015 ends we give Kaleigh a gift!

The girls went off to Georgia for the Holidays and I took a short break from blogging.  2015 was a great year for me and this blog.  I posted over 150 times which was the most since 2011!  It feels good to be back in a healthier mindset and motivated to write, cook, experience, and share.  In 2015 Ashley and I launched a new business, Squashed, which has been doing really well, Kaleigh started karate which she loves, Ashley got a new vehicle, we started doing shows at our house, and we grew lots of food.

It was a great year and I am confident we will have an even better 2016!  For a holiday gift, we converted Kaleigh's old unused playroom into a small in home Karate dojo.  We video taped her seeing it for the first time and thought it was worth a share.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! How awesome! She is so excited. You guys are great parents!
