Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Grand Finale

As the cold weather rushes into the North East we have decided to stop doing music shows until the spring.  Our final show of the year / season was on Saturday night.

We had Sticker Incentive open up the show.  They are a local part time ska band that has played our space once before.  They are nice guys and their music is upbeat and poppy.

Next up was Bummed Out.  They have played here a number of times and are some of the nicest dudes.  They are always thankful of the opportunity to play and are well liked by the folks that come to our space.

Third was a another local favorite in Stokin the Neighbors.  Just back from tour, they play faster 90's style pop punk and are also some great dudes that have been really supportive of our space.  It is always great to have bands like them come and play!

Last was Survay Says, a ska band out of New Jersey.  They play an upbeat ska punk sound with a ton of energy.  Nick from Stokin' the Neighbors really wanted to have me get Survay Says to come up so I tried my best to get them here and it worked out.  The crowd was really excited about them and they played a great set.  They were really nice guys and hung out for a meal after the show.  Ill try to get them back up on their Spring tour!

It was a great first year for us doing shows at the house.  Not only is it a needed outlet for me to have access to these shows but it feels great to be able to provide this type of music for Maine folks.  To see everyone having so much fun dancing and shouting and bobbing their head really makes all the work worth it for me.  We have a great community being build and it is wonderful that we can be a part of that!

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