Thursday, December 10, 2015

Jackfruit because, why not?

It seems like every time I use a social media outlet someone is showing a another awesome thing they did with jackfruit.  Ashley and I were intrigued and wanted to see what we could do.  The next time we were at the Asian market we hunted down some of this fruit that belongs to the fig family.

When we were ready to experiment with is, we took the easiest route and made some pulled "pork" sandwiches.  We figured that with that much Bar B Que sauce, how could it be bad?

We pan fried both sides and then began to mash it apart into the "pulled" style.  It took a few minutes for the jackfruit to soften up and begin to come apart but when it did, it looked pretty cool!

We fried in some onions and added the sauce, toasted some hoogies and we were ready for dinner!  We sat down, excited but curious to find that these pulled "pork" sandwiches were outstanding!

 The texture was really unique and we all really enjoyed our meal.  Next time we are at the Asian market I will be getting more jackfruit as I have some wild ideas now!


  1. Where did you buy it? I've been looking for some!

  2. I have wanted to try jackfruit for EVER!!!!! Your sandwiches looked great !
