Thursday, October 15, 2015

Squashed Update!

A few updates with our business, Squashed, we now have an Instagram account!  Find us @getsquashed

Secondly, we have been filling orders from the private chef menu like crazy!  It has been so amazing that we have gotten so much support so quickly and loyally.  I often do not take photos of the dishes we are making for orders but I made an exception this time.

Beans and rice is a great fall dish, hearty, healthy, and packed full of protein.  We do them Brazilian style with black beans mostly because that is the way I like them.  We offer a double serving size for only $10.

Also, since the menu orders have been keeping us busy, we noticed that we have filled very few cupcake orders recently.  It is too bad because we had a good thing going with those as well.  Ashley asked me if I could make a dozen for her work party.  I have been trying my hand at filled cupcakes recently so this is my latest attempt.  They are a vanilla cupcake with vanilla buttercream filled with strawberry jam icing.

Get those orders in for the private chef menu and get yourself a dozen cupcakes too!

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