Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Having friends over

Ashley and I are often home bodies and are not really great at reaching out to folks to get together and have fun.  We always enjoy ourselves when we do but for whatever reason, we do not do it often.  This week, despite the social over load of having 3 shows at the house, we wanted to reach out to our friends Lauren and Nate.  We invited them for dinner.

Nate has a daughter Kaleigh's age and they play great together.  Ashley has been trying the gluten-free diet and Lauren has been on it for a couple weeks.

I made some gluten free tacos with a cauliflower "grounds" mixture.  We had some guacamole, beans, lettuce, onions, cilantro, salsa, on corn tortillas.  I think it was pretty good.  I do not have much experience cooking gluten free stuff but it was a fun challenge!

After dinner we roasted some vegan marshmallows over the fire pit, which Nate is amazing at starting.  It was a great night, lots of fun.  It is really nice to climb out of our shell and spend time with like-minded folks.  We need to do it more often!

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