Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Back to school

Yesterday was the big day.  Kaleigh went back to school.  Her first day of 3rd grade.  It was also the first year she was able to go back to the same school.  Each year prior she has moved and/or changed schools as Ashley and I tried to find a good education for her.

We have found it, we really like Windsor school and she loves it there.  She has been really excited to get back to school and see all of her old friends.  There was no more anxiety about having to meet new people or what her teacher would be like or where to go when she got there.  It is old hat now, comfortable.  It is thrilling to be a part of watching her grow up!  I can not express how much I love this kid!

The day prior, to celebrate going back to school and Kaleigh's last day of summer break, Ashley made homemade pop tarts!  I have no clue how she did it but they were great and a lot of fun!

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