Thursday, July 16, 2015

Farro and salad from our garden!

I have been wanting to make Farro recently.  Interestingly, I had a hard time finding the grain, it took weeks.  I was finally able to find it and last night, made it!

I used a risotto style cooking to make the dish.  I used a lot of mushrooms and then added the broth cup by cup until it was tender.  It was a really good rich creamy dish.

While I was cooking, Kaleigh went into the garden and picked a big bowl full of lettuce, kale, broccoli greens, and a few carrots that needed thinning.  We topped the salad off with fresh strawberries that were also planted this year.

One the side we thinned some red onions that we fried up with some freshly cut garlic scapes!  This added some a great texture to the farro.  It was a great meal and we were all really proud to eat a nice salad right from out garden!

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