Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Cooking with Kaleigh! Roasted Red Pepper Soup!

A few weeks back, we filmed episode # 19, which was falafel.  It was a great video.  In my amateur video editing, I somehow deleted the entire thing before it saved anywhere!

Needless to say, Kaleigh was not happy.  She actually said she would not film another video but I worked some magic to get her back on board!

This video is one of her favorite soups!  Roasted Red Pepper Soup.  This was a fun video to do because she loves to roast peppers.

With the soup we had some paninis.  I smeared some walnut pesto on both slices of bread and layered in roasted eggplant, and a summer squash and zucchini (both fresh from our garden!).  The soup and sandwich combo made for a great Monday night dinner!

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